viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

For me this were a different, interesting and fun experience, because it was a new way to learn English, where I read the work of my classmates and I learned a little more about their tastes, and didactic because we could comment our work.
I think my writing skills have improved, due to corrections from my English teacher, Rodrigo Suarez, and I also learned new vocabulary.
 I think I still have to improve in the areas of writing, but this course helped me to learn more about different issues.
I would include in future new teaching techniques to create blogs, and comment our work orally in order to improve the pronunciation.
I would like write about topics related to our profession, as politics, economics, philosophy, and so on. Because I think my vocabulary is poor and these issues and I need more practice. And I would also write about existential philosophy, because it seems an interesting topic to discuss and very controversial.

Regarding the issues discussed in class, I think it was very interesting and contingency, I liked the system because it is allowed to give an opinion about the subject, and the blogs were brief and not to complicated.

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